Frequently asked questions

If you are an individual tennis player

You can go through online resources

You can book individual classes in one of our Advanced Tennis Proficiency Center

You can attend one of our 3 full day Advanced Tennis Proficiency Course (ATPC)

You can attend one of our 1 full day masterclass e.g Forehand masterclass, backhand masterclass, serve masterclass

If you are in a remote location you can take online classes which includes biomechanical analysis and feedback of each individual skill e.g Forehand, backhand, serve, volley

How can I contact you?

You can reach us by

Whatsapp: +91-8904457554

email address:

We are always happy to answer your questions.

How you can associate with us

If you are a tennis academy

1. Who is eligible for the Advanced Tennis Proficiency Course?

The course is designed for players who have played some tennis and want to build a solid foundation in tennis and want to refine their skills and compete at higher levels.

2. What skills will you develop in this course?

You will develop advanced strokes, serve variations, net play, strategic shot placement, footwork, match strategy, mental toughness, and physical conditioning.

3. How long is the course?

Course length varies

Masterclass 1 full day course onsite e.g forehand masterclass, backhand masterclass, serve masterclass

ATPC 3 full day course onsite

ATPC mastery course 1 month course with several sessions 5 days a week for 4 weeks

Online courses 60 min sessions on google meet or zoom

Personalised coaching depends on the player skill acquisition requirements

4. What is the average class size?

Class sizes are kept small, typically 6 to 10 players per group, ensuring individualized attention from coaches.

5. Do I need to bring my own tennis equipment?

Yes, players should bring their own racket, appropriate tennis shoes, and athletic wear. We recommend bringing water, a towel, and other personal items.

6. How is my progress monitored?

Coaches monitor progress through regular assessments, video analysis, one-on-one feedback, and performance reviews during matches.

7. What kind of physical conditioning is involved?

The course includes agility, strength, endurance, and flexibility training, with exercises specifically tailored to tennis players.

8. Is there one-on-one coaching available?

Yes, while group sessions are the core of the program, personalized and one-on-one coaching are integral components.

9. What level of fitness is required?

A moderate to high level of fitness is recommended due to the intensity of the physical conditioning and on-court drills.

10. Will I get feedback after each session?

Yes, coaches provide regular feedback during and after sessions to help you continuously improve your technique and strategy.

11. Will I have access to any online resources and printed material?

Yes, many programs offer access to online resources such as PDF files, training videos, strategy guides, and performance analytics to supplement on-court learning. Printed booklets will be provided where necessary